Nothing says Happy Spring like a column about
Happy Spring, Happy Easter, Happy Holiday of
your choice! In honor of Spring, the season of new life, and in order to spend
the day with my family, I am posting an encore presentation of part of one of
my all time favorite blogs! I had just signed on with BlogHer and had to let
them know which ads I was willing to allow on my page! My number one choice for
ads to run alongside my blog was contraceptives.
Why, do you say, would a mother of 4+ children
want to advertise contraceptives on her page? Well other than the obvious (I
gave birth four times in eight years) maybe it is time I confess one of my
secret identities. That’s right, the teenagers all know but many of you
don’t. I am THE CONDOM MOM.
For those of you who judged my personal life
after seeing me buy boxes of condoms on sale at the drug store, now you know
the truth. Believe me, it was not all fun and games. Standing in front of a
condom display and choosing between “his pleasure” and “her pleasure” or
regular size and Magnum Super Size for condoms that very well may be used by
one’s own teenage children is uncomfortable to say the very least! However,
this has been a calling of sorts for me. I have been providing condoms to
teenagers since 1998. That’s right, for 14 years, since my oldest child was a
freshman in high school; I have been purchasing and making available condoms of
all varieties!
Of course, my free condoms come with lectures
and lessons on self respect and commitment. There is always a catch isn’t
there. They also came with the knowledge that there was at least one adult in
your life that you could come to with questions, any questions, who would not
judge you, ever!
I had assumed that at some point, in all these
years, at least one parent would come to me and say “what the hell are you
doing?” None have so far. None have yet to say thank you either. If they only
knew, I’m sure some of them might have. I always hoped if there was something
one of my kids couldn’t talk to me about that another parent would be there for
them. It does, after all, take a village sometimes.
There have been lots of funny stories connected
with this calling of mine. My favorite story was when my youngest daughter was
about nine or ten. She had a couple other little girls over for a sleep over.
The next morning I went in the upstairs bathroom and found that not only was
the floor very slippery but the trash was full of unwrapped condoms. Knowing
none of the older children had been home that night I went into my daughter’s
room to cautiously ask what they had been up to. It seems they weren’t exactly
sure what the condoms were really supposed to be used for but they did discover
that if you slipped them over your feet you could slide all over the bathroom!
There has been more than one teenager my
children brought to the house for the first time who was stunned into silence
upon discovering that the kids could talk openly with me and that there were
free condoms in a jar in the upstairs bathroom. There were also those awkward
conversations had with young people whose parents had not even prepared them in
the smallest way for the world they were living in. But we all got through it
and grew closer because of it. I hope that some of them went on to make at
least a few choices that were better than those they made before.
I remember one young man who came to my house.
He was 18 years old. His mother had found condoms in his room and she had TAKEN
THEM AWAY FROM HIM. She had told him that her religion was strictly against him
having sex until he was married and that from now on he WAS NO LONGER ALLOWED
TO HAVE SEX. Now really, really, how effective does anyone really think that
was? I do not mean to disrespect anyone’s personal religious beliefs however,
when those beliefs conflict with reality there is a time when one must say
“WHAT THE HELL IS THE MATTER WITH YOU?” Her son was being responsible. He had
educated himself and was protecting himself and his future. How about saying
something like “these are our family’s religious beliefs however, if you find
yourself in a situation, or chose to follow beliefs of your own this is how you
protect your health, your future, and the future of the person you are with.”
Or maybe, “wow son, I am very proud of you for taking care of yourself.”
No matter what you believe, no matter what
your child decides to do, do you want him/her to risk their very life because
you would not “allow” him to purchase condoms? That’s right Mom & Dad.
Things are different than they were in our day. Nowadays, lives can change in
ways that a simple prescription of antibiotics will not cure. If you believe
your child would be making a mistake by having sex at his or her age, is it a
mistake worth them dying over?
Maybe some of this is personal. I was a mom at
19 years old. I do not regret that. It was and still is the greatest thing I
have ever done! However, I would have been a better mom if I had waited until I
got older. I would have been a better mom if I had gone to college first,
instead of after, in order to better provide for my children. Not admitting
that is irresponsible and not warning my children of that would be irresponsible
too. I have always told them, you can change any decision you make in your life
except one. You can change your school, where you live, your partner, or your
career. However, once you bring another human being into the world, you can’t
change that! You will love this little person so much, so incredibly much, that
you will want the best of everything for them. You will want them to have the
very best parents in the world. So before you do that, before you make that
decision, make sure you are ready to be the very best parent in the world.
Life happens and there are so many things in
our lives that are beyond our control. The choice, however, to create life or
not, is in your hands. The choice to create a life for yourself, the choice to
create a life for the person you love, and the choice to make a life together
is yours. It is a blessing to make a life and it is a blessing to have the
choice not to make another life. Our fore-mothers fought long and hard for you
to have those choices. Take it seriously. Go out and make a life for
In the meantime, if you need condoms they are
on the second shelf in the linen closet in the hallway.
This piece was originally published on the Bangor Daily News website, April 7, 2012.
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